FBI: Hate crimes down nationally; nearly half are racial

The FBI released its yearly report on hate crimes last week and it showed a slight decrease in 2011. The report showed that nearly half of the hate crimes reported were racially motivated and 20 percent were sexual orientation bias.

The FBI reported 6,222 hate crimes in 2011, down from 6,628 in 2010 and 6,604 in 2009. California led all states in reported hate crimes with 1,040, with New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, and Michigan rounding out the top five.


In 2011, law enforcement agencies reported 7,713 victims of hate crimes nationally and all but 16 of the total incidents were based on one bias. Overall, 46.9 percent of hate crimes were racially motivated, 20.8 percent from sexual orientation, and 19.8 percent were motivated by religious bias.

There were some mitigating circumstances to some of the statistics that led the FBI to caution that the rankings cannot completely be held as the final numbers. Mississippi, for example, had the lowest number of reported hate crimes in the country, with just one.

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