8 Dimensions of Wellness

8 Dimensions of Wellness

Episode 1

About this Podcast:

The podcast episode discusses the 8 dimensions of wellness across the healthcare landscape, from physicians and nurses to biomedical engineers and philanthropists. Episodes are typically at least 30 minutes in length and perfect for your daily commute, wherein you can tune into discussions about what you can do to attain optimal health and wellness.

It is important to know that with increasing rates of overweight and obesity, the health behavior research community has been charged with finding new and innovative methods of helping people attain proper health by balancing their mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. We find it important to address all these basic human needs, notwithstanding the research and discussions regarding mediated interventions that have been particularly effective. This includes past research that has statistically demonstrated how electronic media can be used to deliver weight-loss interventions, especially in the busy world many of us live in.

Here is an interesting fact; the Web has been employed in health behavior interventions for weight loss. Several studies have shown that delivering interventions entirely through Web-based methodologies has created better health behavior changes. However, it is not limited to increased physical activity leading to weight loss management via increasing health-related knowledge.

Furthermore, as technology has become more mobile, weight-loss interventions through mobile devices have assumed prominence, with a growing number of people accessing health information via technologies such as podcasts.

A recent survey found that 80% of Web users have reported turning to the Internet for health information. As rates of mental health issues, including suicide, suicide ideation, and depression, continue to rise, finding ways to deliver health information in a far-reaching, inexpensive, and effective manner is becoming increasingly important. Podcasts on wellness produce more psychological arousal and are perceived as more novel than websites with similar information.





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Eric Screven

Chief Editor

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