Tom Brady Opens Up About Struggles With His Ex

A lot of parents struggle co-parenting with their ex. While Tom and Gisele are always in the spotlight, Brady is now opening up about the struggles he has faced with his ex and their son John a.k.a Jack.

Young Love
Tom met Bridget Moynahan in 2004 and they hit it off right away. Their passion for their careers, structure, and hard work was what really sealed the deal for their relationship. It was clear to everyone around them that there was chemistry between the Patriots quarterback and the I-Robot actress. During the beginning stages of their relationship, both of their careers were thriving. Moynahan was landing several big roles in films and Tom Brady was thriving as quarterback for the Patriots. They seemed like a match made in heaven.

Talk Of The Town

When the Patriots QB finally decided to settle down with the actress, they became the talk of the town. People speculated about a wedding and gushed about how good the couple looked together. It came as a shock to everyone when the news of their breakup hit media outlets. ​The two were in a relationship until 2006, breaking up after almost 3 years of dating. The split was hard for both, but they said parting ways was a mutual decision. Everything seemed amicable in the days following the breakup.

A New Flame

A few weeks after Brady and Moynahan split, Tom decided to attend a party where he met model Gisele Bundchen. Despite having only just left a long term relationship with Bridget, it was clear to the quarterback that he had real feelings for this woman. It seemed their relationship was going to lead to bigger things, regardless of just meeting each other. The connection between the two was obvious and no one could deny that this couple was meant for each other. While Brady and Gisele were going on dates, Bridget had some news for her former boyfriend.


In December of 2006, Bridget learned that she was pregnant with Brady’s child. It was a shock to her as she never expected she would become a single mother. Despite feelings of fear over the situation, she confronted Brady and they agreed to make it work. On finding out she was pregnant, Moynahan said, “I’m not sure anyone – and I could be wrong about this – grows up thinking, ‘I want to be a single mom,'” she said at the time. “When you’re suddenly pregnant and no one is standing by your side, even if you’re in your 30’s, it’s a hard conversation. I’m a traditional girl, and I believe in marriage, and I just always thought that’s the way I’d be doing this. For a moment, it was hard for me to accept that this was the way I was going to have a family.”

Stolen Moments

In hindsight, Bridget Moynahan admits that being a celebrity and being pregnant with the child of a man she just broke up with was a terrible concoction. Wherever she went, she would be harassed by the media and looking back, she feels like she didn’t get the most out of her time as a pregnant woman. “I had a public breakup and then I was pregnant and then I had a baby,” she said. “And those moments were kind of stolen from me by the paparazzi, the tabloids, whatever.”

Trouble In Paradise

Upon finding out his ex was pregnant, Brady was shocked. He had just entered a new relationship with a woman he adored and now he was expecting his first child. It definitely caused some turbulence with his newfound girlfriend. Gisele certainly had her doubts as well when Tom told her about his ex’s pregnancy. Bundchen wondered if she should encourage Tom to get back with his ex to try and make the situation work. “You question at times- ‘Should I stay here? Maybe you should work this out,” she admits. “But when people break up, it’s for a reason.”

Rocky Waters

It wasn’t easy for the new couple to navigate through, but with strong communication and an open mind they managed to come out of the situation stronger than ever. Gisele said, “It was definitely a surprise for both of us. In the beginning, you’re living this romantic fantasy; you’re thinking, ‘This can’t be true, it’s so good!’ And then whoops – wake up call!” The couple had only been together for 2 and a half months when they found out the news. “It was a very challenging situation. Obviously, in the beginning, it’s not the ideal thing.”

Baby Jack

In August of 2007, Moynahan gave birth to their child, John Edward Thomas Moynahan. Despite the trying times during the pregnancy, everyone agreed that this little baby deserved the world. Even Gisele, who was doubtful of the situation, immediately knew how special Jack was when she saw him. Bundchen gushed over the little boy in an interview saying, “He’s a little angel – the sweetest, most cuddly, loving baby. I feel blessed to have him in my life. I understand that he has a mom, and I respect that, but to me it’s not like because someone else delivered him, that’s not my child. I feel it is, 100 percent. I want him to have a great relationship with his mom, because that’s important, but I love him the same way as if he were mine. I already feel like he’s my son, from the first day.”

Happily Married

In 2009, two years after the birth of Jack, Brady and Bundchen married. They overcame the obstacles in their early relationship and managed to come out stronger. It’s clear in the way they look at each other how much this couple is in love. Brady on his wife, “I’m blessed to find this life partner that we all kind of seek at different times in our life. We found each other at the right time. We’ve been through a lot of ups and downs together, and in so many ways, that’s kind of built our relationship so strong.”

The Second Child

Later in December of 2009, the newlyweds gave birth to their first child together, Benjamin Rein Brady. The addition of another child definitely added to the challenges of co-parenting, but the Bradys and Moynahan always found ways to prevail. As Bridget said in a PEOPLE interview, “I think from the very beginning the whole goal specifically was to always keep it positive,” She said when asked about co-parenting. “To raise a son in the healthiest environment, and I know we’ve all done that, and it shows. I always encourage everyone to stay positive and understand you have to make the kids priority.”


Kids Come First

Bridget Moynahan has always been upfront about her desire for all of their kids to grow up in a happy and healthy environment. “I have a relationship with these people on a daily basis. I’m raising a child, and it’s public,” Moynahan said. “My son has two loving parents and an extended family, whether it’s cousins or stepmothers or boyfriends.” “Tom and I made a decision to raise a child together,” said Moynahan, “and we both found partners that not only supported us in raising that child but also loved our child as if he was their own. I don’t think you can ask for more than that.” She makes it clear that she appreciates all the support from outside parties. “My son is surrounded by love.”


All-Star Dad

In a 2013 interview, Tom Brady touched on his experience co-parenting, “I’ve navigated the challenges [of co-parenting] and now we just do what we need to do as a family.” The star athlete keeps his personal life as private as possible for the sake of his children. Despite their lives constantly being put under scrutinization, the children’s parents make it a goal to keep them from it as much as possible. While adults can handle the gaze of the media a little bit better, we all know how difficult it can be for children to be analyzed that way.

The Third Child

On December 5, 2012, Gisele gave birth to their first baby girl—Vivian Lake Brady. Upon her arrival, the couple released a short statement, “We feel so lucky to have been able to experience the miracle of birth once again and are forever grateful for the opportunity to be the parents of another little angel.” It’s clear that this little girl has her dad’s heart wrapped around her little finger. He often talks about how he is incapable of saying no to her, “I let my daughter do basically anything she wants, which is a little bit of a problem in the house. The boys I’m definitely tougher on, but it’s so hard with a little 3-year-old girl who just looks at you and smiles and she knows exactly what to say to get her dad to do exactly what she wants.”

Email Leak

Shortly after the Superbowl 50 scandal, deflate-gate, the media was doing whatever it could to try and tarnish Tom Brady’s name. Even going as far as exposing personal emails between Brady and Moynahan. This seemed to have the opposite effect than the hackers had hoped for though. The leaked emails showed how successful the co-parenting between Brady and Moynahan was. One email from Moynahan read, “Isn’t it cool that Jack got a reading award!? He gets to wear a reading star pin now too. So proud.” To which the quarterback responded, “He is such a smart boy. And he is a hard worker. I’m so proud of him.” If that isn’t successful parenting then I don’t know what is.

Family Vacation

Despite the busy schedules of the working parents, it’s clear that they make it a priority to spend quality time with their children. Here you can see the family preparing to take a vacation as they navigate through the airport. It’s important for any family to get away from their responsibilities for a little while, even if you’re an All-Star Quarterback and a model. You can tell this is a special time for the family and that these are the moments they will cherish forever.

Horseback Riding

Another activity they enjoy doing together as a family is horseback riding. You can see the whole family here as they trek through the tall grass on their steeds. Everyone appreciates a little family time! You can see the joy on all of their faces as they get to relax and be away from the probing eyes of the world. While it’s been said that Jack enjoys sports just like his dad, it seems clear that he’s happy doing anything as long as he can be with his family.

Happy Wife, Happy Life

In a 2018 interview with PEOPLE, Gisele addressed her appreciation for Moynahan, “I’m so grateful for [Bridget]. I know this was hard, but I couldn’t imagine my life without [Jack]. I call him my bonus child.” She admitted to the interviewer. “He opened my heart in ways I didn’t even know my heart could expand,” she added, “I fell in love with him.” I think we all hope that mothers and stepmothers can get along as well as this pair does. Not only is it extremely healthy for a child to grow up in that environment, but it also eases the mind of the parents. Knowing your child is in the hands of someone who genuinely loves them is enough to calm any reservations you may have.

In It Together

I think it would make any man feel better knowing that his ex and his wife got along well. It’s clear that these two women have a positive relationship with one another, and we can only hope that it’s as pleasant behind closed doors as it is in public. You can see Gisele and Bridget hugging each other as they meet in the street. It’s so healthy for the kids to see how you can still be a positive influence in each other’s life even after splitting up. You have to commend the families for pulling together like this.

Moms Stick Together

Bridget and Gisele are definitely two women who know it’s okay to rely on one another. Here you can see another photo of them on the sidelines of a Patriots game. Moms that stick together will thrive together! We love seeing women working together, rather than being put against one another. One of the hardest aspects of dealing with co-parenting is lingering jealousy. Whether it’s from the new girl or the ex, it can be a volatile situation. They have seemingly pushed aside any negative feelings and built a real friendship. Not only for the children but for their sakes as well.

Like Father Like Son

While Tom Brady has expressed that his son Jack is a lot like him in several aspects, there is a stunning similarity that comes out when Jack is on the field with his dad. You can often find Jack throwing tosses to his dad on the sidelines before a game starts. Jack looks like a clone of his dad in this photo of him with the football. While Tom has expressed he doesn’t need any of his children to follow in his footsteps in the world of football, it seems clear that Jack has the same passion his dad does for the game.

Family First

Tom Brady has made it clear that while raising a family isn’t an easy task, it’s something that he truly loves and is willing to make sacrifices for. What it comes down to is choosing what is most important to you and putting that thing above all else. For the Brady family, it’s the kids always. In a 2019 interview Brady said, “I try to do the best I can do. And I’m certainly not perfect,” he confessed. “I try to keep my priorities in line, you know?” In which he lists his priorities as his kids, his wife, and his career. “All those things have their nuances and challenges,” he admits. “But if you’re committed to em’ and you prioritize em’, then you figure out how to make em’ work.”

Hard Work Pays Off

From the pictures that the ex-couple post of their son Jack, it is clear to bystanders that this boy is happy and healthy. You can really tell that they’ve built a strong foundation of trust, love, and respect amongst each other. All anyone can ask for is that a child is able to freely communicate and love each parent without anyone on opposing sides trying to sway his opinion. It’s never easy to deal with having parents bad-mouthing each other and it’s clear that this couple has made it a goal to not expose their children to anything like that.

Friendship Matters

If you’ve ever been a child of divorce, you know that it can take a toll on everyone involved. Seeing that these three adults can sit together, talk, and laugh really shows how mature they are. These three came together to watch Jack participate in sports and showed him that they’re a supportive force ready to be there if he were to need any of them! Having not only two parents but two stepparents who cherish and love you is enough to make any child feel like they’re really important.

Just Like Dad

While both parents have 50/50 custody of Jack when Tom is in LA, it’s abundantly clear that he wants to be just like his dad. He can be seen on the sidelines cheering on his dad, congratulating him on his wins, and even telling him what he could have done better during plays. It’s obvious that these two have a strong bond and that through their healthy co-parenting they were able to nurture that! We love seeing parents put their kids first.


Brady has admitted that Jack is a lot like him in ways saying, “Jack is just like me – he holds a lot in,” while saying his other son Benny is the opposite. “Jack loves sports. He wants to try hard, and he never wants to disappoint his dad. That was me. I’d wake up early on weekends to do stuff with my dad. That’s why I didn’t party a lot. If Dad wanted to golf, I wanted to be there with him. And if I ever missed those things, it would crush me.” What do you guys think? Is Jack basically a miniature version of our Patriots QB? Based on how closely they look alike and how much Jack loves football, I’m gonna say yes!

Football Fanatics

While all of his kids love watching his dad play football for different reasons, it was Jack’s opinions that really made me smile. He really wants his dad to be the best he can be! Tom Brady said in an interview, “I’ll talk to my son Jack about the game and what he thought of the game and [he’ll say], ‘Dad, what were you doing on this play?! Why didn’t you just do this?!’ He watches football, and his buddies talk about football. That’s just a great thing for a dad, and for all of us, when our kids are interested in what we’re doing,”

Trying to Move On

While trying to balance her life as a parent and still trying to remain amicable with Brady, Bridget Moynahan was also trying to move on from that chapter of her life and find love elsewhere. In 2010, the actress started dating director McG, who is best known for movies such as Charlie’s Angels and Terminator: Salvation. For a few months, it seemed like things were looking good between the two. However, they eventually parted ways and Moynahan appeared to be back to square one.

Finally Found Love

Eventually, Bridget Moynahan got the win she deserved when she fell in love with businessman Andrew Frankel. On October 17, 2015, the couple tied the knot at Wolffer Estate Vineyards in the Hamptons. Despite her close-knit relationship with Brady and Bundchen, Bridget decided against inviting them and only had a small ceremony, with a few friends and family. However, her son Jack did end up attending, but he and the rest of the congregation were shocked as the wedding was actually a surprise!

They Still Have Fun Together

Despite everything they have been through together and all the responsibilities they have, Tom Brady and Gisele Bundchen have always managed to put each other first and keep their marriage fun and full of excitement. This photo was recently taken of the couple on Valentine’s Day and it appears that they managed to get away from the family for a day or two to have some quality time as husband and wife. One thing’s for sure – Tom and Gisele still have a magical marriage.

A Big Family

Another key to Tom and Gisele’s happy family dynamic is the fact that they have three beautiful dogs in their home – Fluffy, Scooba and Lua. They have lots of quality time together and can often be seen going on family trips to the park together. Brady recently posted the following photo on his Instagram account of Brady’s son and Lua hanging out together. “Our oldest boy and our oldest girl,” he wrote in the caption. Dogs certainly bring a lot of joy to many families around the world and the Brady-Bundchen bunch is no different.

Plenty of Celebrations

It seems like there is always something to celebrate in the Brady household. Whether it is the birthdays of Tom’s kids with Gisele or Jack’s latest milestone, all of the family seems to come together no matter what and make a fuss over each other on their big days. Brady always posts on Instagram a little birthday message for each of his children. “Happy Birthday Benny! 10 years old and I couldn’t be any more blessed to be your Dad!” Brady wrote. “We love you so much! This smile makes my day!”

Proud Grandmother

One thing that Tom Brady is extremely grateful for is the incredible relationship his mother Galynn has with his children. “I couldn’t imagine a Mom and a Daughter that I could possibly love and adore more than these two!” he wrote on Instagram. “These two fill my heart every day!” It has been a rollercoaster ride for Galynn over the last few years, having had a vicious fight with cancer. However, when 2019 came around, she was able to support her son without any serious signs whatsoever.


While it would be easy just to post photos of himself on the field and celebrating with his teammates on social media, Tom Brady does things a little differently. It seems like he is usually more interested in showing off his beautiful family with the world. While some families tend to be more private and keep away from social media, Tom and Gisele don’t have this concern and are often sharing some of their most intimate moments with their fans, whether on Instagram or Facebook.

Lets Go to the Beach

When you are the best in the world at what you do, you are most likely going to try and incorporate what you do into every aspect of your life, even when you are trying to relax. Tom Brady loves nothing more than taking a ball to the beach and playing some football with his kids. While it would be perfectly fine for them to just kick back and soak in the sun, Brady always seems to be on the move and his kids are the same!

Fun in the Kitchen

Even Tom and Gisele know that, from time to time, you just have to treat yourself. Gisele posted this photo of the two of them, along with Benjamin, eating some delicious cookies that Qatar Museums Chairperson Mayassa gave to them. While they have taught their kids valuable life lessons, they have also taught them that it’s ok to enjoy the finer things in life every once in a while. “Breakfast of champions! Seriously Mayassa, we can’t stop eating your cake,” Gisele wrote on Instagram.

Happy Father’s Day!

An ideal family dynamic is when the kids are just as excited to show love to their parents as their parents are showing love to them. This is certainly the case in the Brady household, especially when Father’s Day comes around for Tom. Gisele wrote the following on social media: “Happy Father’s Day my love. [There are] no words to describe how much you mean to us. There’s nothing that we love more than being with you…You are the best dad!”

Through Thick and Thin

There is no doubt that one of the most incredible stats surrounding Tom Brady is the fact that he has played in a record nine Super Bowls and has won six of them. Gisele and the kids were quick to rush to Tom’s side shortly after he helped the Patriots win their most recent one in 2018. “What a special night. Congratulations Patriots! Congratulations my love!” she wrote. “Your tireless commitment, discipline and hard work never ceases to amaze me. We love you!”

Daddy’s Little Girl

As previously mentioned, Tom Brady has a unique relationship with daughter Vivi. While it comes much more natural to bond with his sons through football, Tom enjoys building a relationship with Vivi through a variety of other ways. He jokingly asked his fans on social media if they could help him find out where to buy a unicorn for Vivi’s birthday. He wrote this in the caption attached to this photo he posted on Instagram. “You are a gift to all of us,” Brady wrote.

Lazy Days

As soon as it reaches a certain time during the weekend, Tom Brady’s kids love nothing more than invading his bedroom and jumping all over him. They can’t help smothering him with cuddles and love and quite frankly, Tom wouldn’t have it any other way. Gisele often finds her husband having a casual afternoon nap with their kids embracing him from every angle. Sometimes, even she will join in on the cuddly fun. This is a family that fully appreciates those quiet days off together.

Game Over

It does not matter how tired he might be after a game or how bruised he might be. Even if all he wants to do is go for a nice long sleep after a terrible game, Tom Brady always makes sure to attend to his family straight after a game and check that they are OK. As previously mentioned, he is a family man, above everything else. He just happens to also be the greatest football player of all time.

Amicable Agreement

Moynahan and Brady made it abundantly clear with each other from the beginning that to make this co-parenting situation work they would avoid discussing each other in the media. They didn’t want their son to grow up and find all this back and forth bashing between his parents. Moynahan had briefly touched on the subject in an interview, “There’s no reason why my son, years down the line, would need to read anything [personal] about his mother or his father.” This is why it can be difficult to find any information on their relationship regarding parenting, but it’s obvious that they made this decision with the best intentions for their son in mind.

Praising Papa

Tom can be found at all of his kids’ sports events cheering them on from the sidelines. Despite being a huge NFL star, he always makes it a priority to keep the attention on his children when it’s their time to shine. Moynahan had briefly touched on the subject in an interview, “There’s no reason why my son, years down the line, would need to read anything [personal] about his mother or his father.” This is why it can be difficult to find any information on their relationship regarding parenting, but it’s obvious that they made this decision with the best intentions for their son in mind.

Giving Life Lessons

Tom Brady discusses how losing before he had his children was something that would really eat away at him for a while. Now that he has kids, it’s been a lesson not only for him but a way to show them that losing is a part of reality and it’s okay. Brady said this about how he dealt with his super bowl loss after he had kids, “We don’t always win. We try our best and sometimes it doesn’t go the way we want.” As much as it was a disappointment for him to experience that loss, he pushed it aside and used it as an opportunity to teach his kids an important lesson.

Long-Distance Parenting

While it can be hard parenting a child that stays with his mother over 200 miles away in New York, it’s clear that they make it a goal to always be there for him. Even if Jack is with his mother most of the time, it’s apparent he has a strong bond with his dad. We hope that Jack and Tom continue to strengthen their bond and continue being the great father-son duo that they are! Not even 200 miles can keep these two from being the best of buds.

Great Parenting

Overall, Tom Brady has proven himself to be a great dad, not only to his son Jack but also to his two other children. He makes it a point to take time to spend with them, support their interests, and be an overwhelmingly important figure in their lives. We cannot wait to see where his children go in life with the guidance of their families. Growing up in a household full of love and support is all they need to be as successful as their parents have been. We can’t wait to see what happens next with the Brady family!

57-Year-Old Jim Carrey Takes An Unexpected Turn – “You Might As Well Take A Chance On Doing What You Love”


It’s hard for audience members not to help feel familiar with the man of many faces, but we can’t help but wonder – who’s the man behind the mask? Now, at 57, Jim Carrey has an important announcement.

Darkest Nightmares

In 1995, Carrey was interviewed by Rolling Stone, where he revealed just how helpless he felt about his financial situation and family’s problems. It got to a point where he easily snapped under pressure, so it was time to make a big change: “I ran out of patience,” he said. “I had to move them back to Canada. I was having bad dreams – I was strangling my mother in my sleep. I still supported them until I ran out of money. I went bankrupt.”

Class Clown

Surprisingly, Carrey received a formal reply from Burnett, who kindly thanked him. Jim’s talent was anything but hidden – in fact, his teacher used this particular characteristic to his advantage. He promised his beaming pupil that as long as he kept quiet for the rest of the lesson, he would be granted a few minutes at the end to perform his latest routine in front of the entire class. Needless to say, that made Carrey sit still until his turn to go up front.

Creepy Kid

But Jim was no ordinary child in other ways, too. “I did pencil sketches and stuff like that,” he told Rolling Stone magazine in one interview, revealing a worrisome past. “My parents would come into the room and ask, ‘What are you drawing?’ It would be my dad looking at his watch with a gun in his hand. ‘It’s a portrait of you,’ I said. ‘It’s called Waiting to Die.'” Needless to say, this erratic behavior was not common for a boy his age.

Me, My Dad, & Mommy

It is easy to assume A-list stars have had an easy life and always had things handed to them on a silver platter, but for Jim Carrey, the opposite is true. Carrey may have been easygoing and had an uplifting sense of humor, but he had to drop out of school at the age of 15 and work as a janitor on account of having to support his parents since his mother was suffering from depression and his father was unemployed. Still, his father was determined to help his boy.

Standup Fails

His father, Percy, drove Jim to Toronto’s busy comedy scene so that he could give his impressions a go and be inspired by other comedians. The first time he got up on stage and performed a string impersonation was at a club called Yuk Yuk’s. Percy pushed his son to get up on that stage and give it all he had, but he tanked the show. After this traumatic experience, Jim was questioning his entire professional path.

Getting The Gigs

Although things didn’t always seem to go the Carreys’ way, they did manage to bounce back financially and eventually, were even be able to support Jim in his comedy pursuits. Since he got more practice, Jim was getting good – soon enough, he booked his own shows. Due to his rising fame in the scene, stand-up comedian, actor, producer and screenwriter Rodney Dangerfield took him under his wing and put him on his tour lineup. After this, Jim was made a Comedy Store regular and started swimming with the big fish.

The Big Time

Jim Carrey started to be more well known in highly influential circles. Carrey even auditioned for Saturday Night Live when the 1980-81 season was supposed to air. Despite the fact that he didn’t score a permanent gig on the show, he did appear on the NBC series as a host on three separate episodes. His first big break came, however, in 1984, as he landed a role in the sitcom The Duck Factory. Ten years later, something major happened that changed his entire career.

The Holy Trinity

1994 was a huge one for Carrey, as his face was plastered on one blockbuster film poster after another. It took more than a decade of minor roles, but he finally managed to build himself a respectable reputation in the field. Hit comedies such as Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, The Mask, and Dumb & Dumber were incredibly successful commercially and made Carrey into a household name. Since then, Carrey was made the unofficial king of comedy – and as such, many productions competed to have him in their films.

jim carrey

Money On My Mind

Jim had big dreams and always knew the hidden potential he had as a kid would be exchanged with big bucks when he would be a grown up. It took a lot of visualizations and self-belief, but as it turns out, that is all he ever needed. Carrey even went on the Oprah Winfrey Show and explained how he once imagined receiving a $10 million check for a role, then seven years later he was cast to play Lloyd Christmas in Dumb & Dumber, and he got his dream check.

Man Of Many Secrets

When thinking of Jim Carrey, the first thing that comes to people’s minds is the list of hilarious films he starred in. However, few are familiar with the details of his personal life, so as speculation peaked, Carrey decided to put an end to the rumors with this announcement. In order to fully understand the actor’s decision, one needs to know what brought him to it.

Battling Demons From Childhood

Born in Newmarket, Ontario, Canada, James Eugene Carrey was the youngest of four siblings, but this does not go to say he was a copy-and-paste version of his brother and sisters. From day one, it was evident that Jim was much different. At the age of 10, he already declared being an entertainer was his life’s goal and even went as far as to write a letter to the phenomenal Carol Burnett, asking for tips. But he could never anticipate what was about to come…

Happy Family?

Although leading a prospering personal life does not usually go hand in hand with a successful Hollywood career, somehow, Carrey made it work. In addition to marking Carrey’s big break, the 80’s also brought Jim romance in the form of Melissa Womer. Jim was a star on the rise when the two met, and after the two tied the knot, they had a daughter named Jane Erin Carrey. However, the marriage didn’t last on account of Jim becoming too close for comfort with his Dumb & Dumber co-star Lauren Holly.

jim carrey

History Maker

Plenty of actors believe it is best to keep to one genre since viewers will have a hard time seeing you in a serious role when you’ve been acting in comedy your entire career, and vice versa. Carrey, on the other hand, knew just how talented he is, which is why he agreed to act in the dark comedy The Cable Guy alongside Matthew Broderick. However, he had one condition – he would receive a staggering $20 million salary before the release of the movie, which raised the overall budget to $67 million.

Surprise Pen Pals

An unlikely friendship blossomed between Carrey and rapper Tupac Shakur, also known as 2Pac. The two became thick as thieves since Carrey was 2Pac’s favorite actor. When the musician was incarcerated in the mid-90’s, Jim Carrey wrote him letters in hope that they would cheer him up. When he was asked about his opinion, Carrey openly stated that he thought the late rapper was falsely accused. Tupac was reportedly very grateful for these letters and asserted they succeeded in cheering him up.

Diverse Roles

Not even Carey himself could have anticipated the praise he would receive for his work on the 1997 film, Liar Liar. Carrey was no one-trick pony – the man was not only incredibly talented but also proved at the point that he was able to play on a spectrum of characteristically different roles. The movie, which told the tale of a father and lawyer who is unable to lie, earned Carrey rave reviews. Even a Golden Globe nomination for Best Actor was received. However, his finest hour came the next year…

Award Winner

One of the most diverse roles in Carrey’s resume has to be The Truman Show. The actor took a role of a person who has no idea he is living in a fake world. This concept drama was innovative by thought and demanded Carrey would play a character that hasn’t been done before – nothing resembled it. Due to this, many critics suggested an Oscar should be in place. Unfortunately, Carrey was not nominated for one – but to this day, it is considered one of his best works.

Method Man

The 1999 production of Man On The Moon was not an easy task for Jim. In fact, he used method acting to produce a realistic portrayal of the late comedian Andy Kaufman. Co-star Paul Giamatti, experienced this behavior first-hand: “It was one of the weirdest experiences I’ve had making a movie…Jim was wacky during it,” he said. “He’d constantly be hugging people…It was disgusting. He was touching people and making them shake his hands all the time. He smelled horrible.”

Like Father Like Daughter

Carrey’s daughter proved to be the embodiment of the phrase “the apple does not fall far from the tree”, which was unveiled in front of the whole nation when Jane auditioned for the incredibly successful competitive reality show, American Idol, in 2012. Although she did not get too far on the televised stage and show, her voice had stunned enough people to gain her recognition in the field, expand her fanbase and land the gig of a lead singer in her own band.

An Unexpected Turn

For some, he might be the quirky pet detective from Ace Ventura, for others, he’s Walter Sparrow from 23. However, it seems the actor’s real-life is the most interesting plot of all.

Old Flame

It was no secret the Carrey was a busy bee, which was part of the reason his relationship with his first wife dissolved the way it did. A year after the divorce, however, Jim was ready to walk down the aisle a second time – with former co-star, actress Lauren Holly. The wedding took place on September 23, 1996, but was short-lived as it ended up in a second divorce just a year later. Carrey’s eccentric behavior and hectic schedule didn’t form a steady ground for a healthy relationship, it seemed.

Star Couple

It is not uncommon for actors to meet their next romantic partner on set, as the first thing thought of when hiring actors is to seek chemistry between them. Perhaps this is why Jim winded up falling for his Me, Myself and Irene co-star, Renée Zellweger. Zellweger was a highly respected actress, especially after her well-received performances in Bridget Jones’ Diary and Jerry Maguire. It seemed the two were head over heels for each other – and became engaged for a year in the early 2000’s.

Born Again In The U.S.A.

Carrey might have changed his status from single to married to divorced several times throughout his life, but come 2004, he was about to be given a new title he was not willing to give up – a U.S. citizen. Canadians called out the star for forgetting his Ontario, roots, but Jim announced the following: “I have no intention of giving up my Canadian heritage, and all those who loved and supported me,” he said. Carrey also added: “I will always be proud to be a Canadian.”

Don’t Deck The Halls

From kids’ favorite funny guy to every child’s worst nightmare, Jim Carrey was the first actor to do it both as he played the role of the two most notorious Christmas villains of all time – the Grinch and Ebenezer Scrooge. Carrey played the Grinch in the 2000 hit Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas and Ebenezer Scrooge in the 2009 production of A Christmas Carol. Despite these characters’ frowns and pessimistic vibes, Valentine’s was just around the corner for Jim Carrey.

The One?

It was another long five years before Carrey could even come close to considering becoming involved with a new woman, but love is a funny thing and has the tendency to arrive when you expect it the least. In 2006, Carrey hit it off with blonde bombshell and hilarious actress Jenny McCarthy. It seems like Carrey finally found his match, and that the two would go the distance. The two had personalities that complemented each other, but that was not the only thing they had in common…

Carrey On Marching

An unpopular belief that the MMR vaccine was the prime cause of autism was also the stance held by Jim and Jenny. The two even went as far as to lead a campaign against the vaccine, which they called “Green Our Vaccines.” The march took place in Washington, D.C. in which people called out messages demanding the removal of toxic substances in vaccines. Heavy criticism came flying from varied groups, and most notably, scientists. The latter claimed Jim and Jenny were “ill-informed” and “irresponsible.”

Petty Politics

Former California Governor Jerry Brown was one of Carrey’s most pursued targets. Jim explained that while he considers himself to be “pro-safe vaccine” instead of someone promoting an “anti-vaccine” campaign, Carrey turned to social media to silence his critics, claiming it was Brown that should have been under attack, as he is a “corporate fascist.” The head of the Division of Medical Ethics at New York University, Arthur Caplan, disagreed with the notable actor and described Jim as “ignorant when it comes to vaccines.”

jim carrey

Grandaddy Carrey

Jim Carrey became a grandfather for the first time at the relatively young age of 47. His daughter Jane gave birth to a baby boy called Jackson Riley Santana in 2010, when she was 22 years old herself at the time. Carrey was so elated by the news that he once again took to social media to distribute the news and how thrilled he felt, saying: “This is what 7lbs.11oz. of California dynamite looks like.” McCarthy chirped in as well by referring to herself as an honorary grandmother.

Still Friends

Just when things appeared to be going in a positive direction for Jim, his world was about to come crashing down again. After five years with Jenny McCarthy, the couple understood that all that glitters isn’t gold, and parted ways. Jenny asserted that the parting was an amicable, mutual decision, repeating the statement: “Jim and I are still good friends,” but fans on both ends could not help but wonder what really went on behind the scenes that made the dynamic duo call it quits.

Illegal Art

By the time 2011 rolled around, many suspected Carrey was completely feeling himself. What triggered this notion was the fact that he got involved with NYPD after the latter got tipped off about illegal graffiti. As it turns out, Carrey broke the law following through with his newfound obsession with spray painting his West Village studio. Carrey apparently sprayed the walls with an entity he named Baba, a “mischievous deity…[who] exists in negative space.” Despite the rumors of illegal activity, Carrey was never prosecuted.

Cute Or Strange?

Jim began to seem less like himself as time went on. In spite of appearing goofier than ever, some behaviors could not be explained, such as his viral confession to the young up-and-coming actress, Emma Stone. “Emma, I think you’re all the way beautiful,” he is heard saying in the clip. “Not just pretty, but smart and kind-hearted, and if I were a lot younger, I would marry you.” At first, it seemed Stone did not know what to make of this video.

Stone’s reaction

Being the gracious person that she is, Emma Stone took her time coming up with a reaction that would not hurt the comedy star’s feelings or public image. For this reason, she elegantly dodged the crude comments about Carrey’s peculiar message and, in an interview with New York Magazine, she set the record straight. Stone dismissed any awkward accusations and said she genuinely felt complimented: “I was so flattered I can’t even tell you,” she said. “Honest! I was really flattered, I really was!”

Biggest Critic

Carrey was cast as Colonel Stars and Stripes in the highly anticipated 2013 film, Kick-Ass 2. However, he had a change of heart after he watched the movie and reflected on the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. Carrey explained his stand by saying: “I did Kick-Ass a month before Sandy Hook and now in all good conscience I cannot support that level of violence. My apologies to others involved with the film. I am not ashamed of it, but recent events have caused a change in my heart.”

Blast From The Past

The next year, Jim Carrey wanted to make up for the violence his character portrayed in Kick-Ass by making a comeback at his slapstick style. Come 2014, Carrey and his pal Jeff Daniels returned to the silver screen for the long-awaited continuation to Dumber and Dumber – fittingly titled, Dumb and Dumber To. Some critics claimed it was too late for a sequel and consequently gave less than kind reviews when the movie came out. Still, the film made an impressive $169.8 million at the box office.

Darkest Hour

Jim met Cathriona White and sparks few immediately. They seemed like an unlikely pair, on account of her young age and not having a name recognized in the industry, but the two were not together long enough for Jim to find out. On September 28, 2015, Cathriona was found dead. Carrey was deeply distraught by this twisted turn of events, which is why he headed to her family’s place in Tipperary, Ireland shortly after the devastating news arrived. Jim was a pallbearer at her funeral, but more trouble was heading his way.

Blame Game

At the time of her death, Cathriona was still married to a man called Mark Burton, although the two were separated and planned on divorcing. Mark claimed Carrey was the one to blame for Cathriona taking her own life and sued the actor for using his “immense wealth and celebrity status” to provide prescriptions pills for his ex-wife. Jim now not only lost the woman he loved but was also crucified by the media for allegedly being the one who caused it.

Innocent Man

After receiving the papers, Carrey released the following statement: “What a terrible shame. It would be easy for me to get in a back room with this man’s lawyer and make this go away, but there are some moments in life when you have to stand up and defend your honor against the evil in this world. I will not tolerate this heartless attempt to exploit me or the woman I loved. Cat’s troubles were born long before I met her…”

Biggest Battle

Ever since the tragic event, Jim Carrey has not seemed like himself. The man who was more easily recognized by his hypnotizing smile turned into a shadow of a person. Those who knew his family history well feared Carrey would give in to depression, as has happened to his mother and, in recent times, a growing number of comedians. Carrey took Prozac to deal with his loss and eventually decided to face his condition without medication. Other stimulants, such as coffee, were also taken off his diet.

Let’s Get Spiritual

Carrey battled his depression using spiritual means as well. Carrey was even said to explore Transcendental Meditation and has even explained it to underage delinquents. “I’m a Buddhist, I’m a Muslim, I’m a Christian, I’m whatever you want me to be,” said Jim during one interview. “It all comes down to the same thing. You’re in a loving place, or you’re in an unloving place; if you’re with me right now, you cannot be unhappy. It’s not possible.”

Doctor Carrey?

One of the benefits of becoming a recognized name in the industry of fame and fortune is that you get to pick and choose which roles you want. Characters that you feel wouldn’t promote your career are taken off the table, making room for new, more relevant offers. Carrey’s big turn down was in 1996 when the actor was reportedly offered to join the cast of the British hit sci-fi show Doctor Who as the Eighth Doctor. Carrey politely turned it down on account of not being familiar with the show.

The Beard

The actor’s newfound religiosity could have also implied the reason he grew one of the most baffling beards in the sphere of glitz and glam. During one appearance on Jimmy Kimmel’s talk show, Carrey was asked about the mysterious facial hair addition, to which the actor jokingly replied that not only is there no reason for the fact he let his facial hair go for so long, but he was tempted to keep at it since the amount of speculation around it amazed him.

That Interview

To some’s dismay and others’ joy, the beard was eventually chopped off, although those who missed it could have taken comfort in Carrey’s unpredictable behavior. At a red carpet event, Carrey told E! News the following: “I don’t believe in icons. I don’t believe in personalities. I believe that peace lies beyond personality, beyond invention and disguise…I believe that it’s deeper than that. I believe that we’re a field of energy dancing for itself, and… I don’t care.”

What Does It All Mean?

The cryptic reply from that notorious red carpet interview has fans perplexed to this day. His fans kept seeking answers, but it seemed the only one they received was the last one they wanted to hear – that Carrey wanted to step as furthest away as he could from the limelight. For a while, it seemed the falling star was successful in dimming his own light – but just then, his past came back to haunt him in the least expected way.

jim carrey

Neverending Story

Two years have gone by since the death of his girlfriend, and just as Carrey was starting to bounce back, the tragedy pulled him back again: a court ordered him to tell his side of the story regarding Cathriona’s death. The official court papers from the Superior Court of the State of California read the following message: “plaintiffs Brigid Sweetman and Mark Burton, by and through their counsel of record, will take the deposition of Defendant James Eugene Carrey.”

No Reservations

Carrey used to be a man whose name was associated with everything bright, beautiful and beaming. These days, it seems a different fate was brought upon the man, an ill one masked by somber times. The good old days in which Carrey was in healthy relationships that motivated him to be the best that he could be, to act goofily and not care about what is said about him in online posts of social media or yellow magazines. These days, his eccentric nature exposes itself in much more ominous ways.

Sadly, He’s Left The Comedy Limelight

Carrey opened up about his life, unraveling one experience and hidden tale after another. He did so to help the upcoming Showtime series I’m Dying Up Here, which is a stand-up comedy in the 1970’s. At a press panel at the Television Critics Association Winter Press Tour, he said: “I had so many incredible experiences. I’m lucky to be alive, really.” As for his return to the stage, Carrey said: “I’m in the process of shedding layers of persona at this time in my life.”

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