Black hair questions? Some answers may surprise you.
The hair texture of black people is unlike any other. Their hair type comes in so many different shapes and colors. From women and men who are of African American descent, to indigenous Native Americans. We can clearly and unanimously say that hair can be very unique. But with there being so many intricate features of African American hair there seems to always be one question on people’s minds. And that question is “Can black people have straight hair?” Well, that is one complex question that we feel we may have the answer to. So, sit back as we dive into the amazing world of African American hair and unlock the answers to an age-old question “Can Black People Have Straight Hair?”
What Is “Black” People’s Hair?
So, first, we must be clear on what black people’s hair is, when we describe it to you all. Everyone’s definition of black people can be subjective. Whether we boil it down to people with darker skin tones, or people who derive from Africa. In this case, we would be referring to people who are descendants from Africa. If you ask any stranger on the street if they think black people have naturally straight hair of course the answer will be no simply because it is something that you rarely ever see. The first image that pops into our minds when we hear of black people’s hair is kinky, curly, unmanageable tresses, but why? There is a practical reason why you will see African American people with curly and not straight hair so let us explain.
History Behind “Black” Hair
The history behind black hair stems from its original roots which is in Africa. Due to Africa’s hot climates people who are from there learn to adapt, this includes their body and hair. Even though you may not know or feel it, your body is always adapting to the environment around it. When you get cold the hairs on your arms will begin to stand up in hopes to heat your body. Well, this same method can be applied when you get hot.
The more heat your body is subjected to the more it will react. In Africa, because of the hot temperatures, your scalp will try drastic measures to keep the body cool. So, typically your hair will begin to coil up to help the sweat evaporate sooner and thus keep your body at a cool temperature. Straight hair would be a disadvantage in the sun because it would begin trapping and locking heat on your scalp. As generations go by it’s smart to infer that the people’s hair in Africa’s environments has just adjusted over the years.
Does this conclusion mean that black people don’t have naturally straight hair? No, there will always be exceptions to the rule. There are people from Eretria, Ethiopia, and Somalia (which are all decedents of Africa) with straight hair. Just because we may not have ever seen it before does not mean it does not exist.
Why Do Black People Straighten Their Hair?
The question on your mind after reading the history of black hair may now be “Why would black people straighten their hair if it is a natural adaptation to excessive heat?” Well, the easiest and simplest way to explain this question is due to race and politics. Back in times of slavery black hair was considered to be unappealing, dirty, ghetto, unprofessional, and any other negative derogatory thing that can come to your mind. For the longest black people could not find suitable jobs unless their hair looking neat and professional. This issue would call for them to drastic measures such as perming and straightening their curls. Luckily times are changing, evolving, and progressing little by little. Now, African Americans can feel free to wear their hair curls proudly without fear of judgment or lost opportunities. Also, Some African people get dread extensions to chive an amazing looking.
Black Hair Will Always Be A Topic of Discussion
If there is anything you can take away from this blog post, let it be that no matter what, black people’s hair will always be the center of attention. The pressure to live up to European societal norms is no longer a predominant thing. The stock market on perms and chemical straighteners is at an all-time low. Black women now are wearing their curls with so much pride and it is a beautiful thing to see. The fact that black hair does not have to be washed every day, can be put into multiple styles, and grow as long as any other texture of the hair is what makes it so unique. There is no other caliber of hair like that of African American hair. I’m excited to see shortly what other things we will learn when it comes down to black hair and how much it will progress in society. All I know is to be prepared for all the information that will be brought to us.
So, Can Black People Have Straight Hair?
The answer is yes. Black people can surely have straight hair, the lack of how many African American people we see with it, stems from all those years of adaptation. Science proves to us time and time again that we are a product of our environment. Just as there are Caucasians with naturally curly hair the same can be said for back people. Everything can be traced down throughout history, and there will always be an exception to any rule. We encourage you all to try and do some research on the many different tribes and the history of African American people. You would be surprised to see that not only are there some black people with naturally straight hair, but some are even born with blue eyes, others with blonde hair. Tell us your thoughts on this topic in the comment section below. Did you know black people can have straight hair? Do you know any black people with straight hair? Share your stories with Black Show Hair.
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